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'Nother Saber

Master Shawn

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Well, I have decided to model myself a new saber hilt, this time its Shawn Kenobi's Padawan hilt, heres a pic. new_one.jpg

Can't wait for one of those new tutorials about UVWraping cause I dont have the slightest idea how to do it(someone did it for me last time) So hurry up with them tuts cause I need them :D


-[JO]Master Shawn Kenobi :aobi:

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Shawn.. the saber handle.. it looks like it's got these very tiny grooves between every cap... that's quite unnecessary.. just gonna increase ur poly count.. that grooved effect can be achieved by just using textures.. try to optimize that bit a little.. not to mention.. it's also gonna make life very difficult for the UVW mapper.. lol

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Thanks for all the comments guys, I'll contact you soon Cyper. Methuselah, I very well know I can do that with the texture, but I want the grooves to look real this time :) The model WAS 12000+ ploys, fter making every cylinder on the thing have only 10 sides its down to 7000+, and no, im not deleting my grooves :p

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I love one of your lightsaber hilts! I think that ur very creative and way too good for modeling.


I would prefer the one which is more rectangular(always the one on the right) in your pic given.


May have your permission to model them for myself, please?

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