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Max Patch Planes


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I'm getting a Max Patch Planes error when I attempt to load my map in JK2, now my first assumption was that I had maxed the number of patch meshes that are usable, but I had been able to previously load the same map with the same number of patch meshes. Any thoughts on this ?

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Thanks for the reply,


Hmm can I subdivide a current patch somehow ? I mean I'm kind of at a loss here, I assume that this has to do with the tesselation of the patches, as I'm fairly sure I added no more vertices, so I must assume that just moving the previously ok'd number of vertex caused the patch to become too complex. The next question is how do I find wich one to split/simplify, I've got more than a dozen patches in there, granted I know I only edited six before this happend and the last workable build.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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