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Qui-Gon Jinn's Lightsaber (help needed)


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I'm currently working on Qui-gon's lightsaber and I'm sort of "winging it" with gmax. This may seem like a stupid question, but is there any way to make 2 polygons snap together? I have a cyclinder which I want attached to a cone of equal radius on one end, but its impossible to line them up perfectly by hand and I'm pretty sure its messing up my face count. Also, I'm almost totally done except for the silver-colored jacket on the lower part of the handle, which I have no clue how to make. I'll need to sculpt the polygon myself and don't know how to go about it, so any help would be appreciated. And, lastly, if I have a flat plane that will be seen from 2 sides, am I going to have any trouble applying a texture to both sides?


I'll post some pictures as soon as I'm near completion.

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ok.. if the cylinder and cone have the same number of sides, you won't have any trouble.. all you have to do is.. select ur cylinder, go to Tools, then Align, and select the cone. it will come up with a few options for u.. best to choose Centre, and select which axes you wanna align. and that's it! all you have to do is adjust the vertical position.. after that... for joining it.. i think it would be a good idea to boolean it.. in your create panel, go to Compound Objects and choose Boolean, Union. select the 2 operands you wanna join and that's it.. =) as for the 2 sided plane.. i'm not sure about it.. in the first place what's a 2 sided plane doing in ur saber?

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I was going to use a plane(or a few of them) wrapped around the handle to form the silver "jacket" on qui-gon's saber, but after working on it a little last night I found a low-poly alternative. Speaking of which, what is a good face count to shoot for?

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Ok, I've got a picture up of what I'm pretty sure is going to be the final model (except for a little tweaking to lower the poly count). There are a few parts missing simply because it hasn't been skinned yet (like the chrome colored part on the side of the handle).

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If anyone could point me to a good gmax uv mapping tutorial or even better, do the uv mapping for me, I would really appreciate it. The tutorial I'm working with right now is extremely general, and I'm moving at a snail's pace.

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thank the Lord! someone is finally making a qui gon saber. but one thing i'd like to say is that those ridges at the hand grip thing, i think they go all the way to the middle of the saber, without the inner tube that you have there. keep up the good work, i'm lookin forward to trying it out.


side view of saber



if its not too much trouble email me the file when its done





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A little update...

After attempting to UVW unwrap the saber, I got fed up with all the inconsistencies and the generally poor job I did of conserving polys, so I decided to start over completely. The new version is much more accurate and detailed while only going slightly higher than the previous polycount.




I'm still not happy with a couple parts, like the whole area above the upper button, but when I tried actually modeling the silver part around the handle it added an insane amount of polys. When skinned and in-game it should look fine(and will be covered by a hand), so I'm just leaving it as-is.

Right now I'm about 1/4 done unwrapping and I haven't run into any problems, so expect the saber to be finished and up for download before the end of the week.


BTW, a saber should be around 600 polys, so iifuzz's is slightly over :D

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