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Kejim Post, i think my game is busted...


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ok, everything ive ever seen online says that in level 1, at the kejim post, when you're already in the building, you get the light goggles, go down the lift, put the goggles on, walk through that dark spot until you get to the crawlspace, crawl through, kill the imperial and three stormtroopers in the room, get the imperials key, get the blue code from the wall, and evidentally there are two switches you must switch. ive found the switches, they're under the map next to the blue sector's switch. but i CANNOT flip the other two switches!! i dont know why, i cant figure out what the problem is, and it seems that no one else has this problem. does ANYONE know what i should do?


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If I think your talking about the room that has no rails and a bottomless pit with green,blue,red switches,just go to the other rooms!The other rooms have green and red signs on the top of them.Go through those rooms and find the green sigin in the green part of the room.Then go to the red part of the room and try to find the red sign for the switches.I can remmeber this from the faq I used to get through the first level.When you get all the sign's, go to the place where all the switches are.Type them all in.If you forgot what it looks like press tab(defualt to show the stuff)and type them in.Then I think you have to go to the room without the sign and you go to the next level.I hope that helped!


Note:It's hard to get the red sign.If you get stuck PM me and I'll tell you a website address for the faq I used!

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