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How do u throw the lightsaber and.....


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I was wondering how to throw my lightsaber?. Also does anyone know how i can use the force powers while i am moving. Like i have to stop completely to use them because u point with the mouse and the F# are all the way accross the keyboard :swear: which makes it hard to strangle a moving target without becoming a blast dummy if ya get my drift.

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ok but why do i have to set the alternate attack when i have it set on left click can't i use that to throw it or do i have to set a button specifically to throw it?


Do u know about the force powers though cause i wanna use them but i don't want to stop and die to cast one. :(

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well, about yur force power problems, heres what i did:

a - left

d - right

s - down

w - up

q - push

r - pull

t - lightning

v - mindtrick

space - jump

set f to either speed or grip

l - stance (sometimes g)

this makes it easy to aim and not be killed, at least for me.

right click - throw

left click - primary fire

i don't use strafe

hope that helps any

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