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wierd erro...someone help me?


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I um have this friend with a problem,........lol


anyways i tried to no avail to get a mirror working.. and i must have tried 30 different things off of what info i could find and what people told me.. none work to no avail...


now I have removed the mirror and everything having to do with it, so i can work on other areas of my map and test it.. well now i get the same error as i was before when i had the mirror....


the error is CM_InlineModel : Bad Number



PLease someone help...

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well its been 2 days of hell trying to figure this out......in 2 different posts that yi got no answers from except for on e brave soul.... it turns out that i looked in my map flie in notepad and for some reason GTK radienbt made dup[licate brush files... brush 0 brush 1 and brush 2.. they were at the top... then again used at the bottom of the map file... i deleted these lines and manually ended file with } and wallah my error was gone... hope this helps someone someday. thanks for all the support... i feel like the community is getting more and more self centered that everyone is so busy that they couldnt bother answering a few questions for people.... am i wrong on this... this is the 4th time i asked for advice in the past week and all my posts were basically ignored... i for one will still be reading posts and helping people..i hope im not alone on this.

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You won't be alone, I help where ever I can, but I think I know why no one answered you. Nobody knew, no one else had encountered this error, I'm sure if they had they would have answered you. But since no one knew, they all left it alone for some one else to answer. So, that's what I think, and I help wherever I can...





:jawa Oo-oo Ootini!

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