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Hosting Behind a NAT


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I'm trying to host a JK2 server behind a NAT. I have the required ports set to forward to my private IP. But the Ravensoft master server won't resolve me.People can connect directly to me through IP.


I keep getting heartbeats sent out, but I don't think I'm getting any back. Is there another port I need to open in order to get resolved.


One theory I have is that the heartbeat contains my Ip address somewhere besides the just header of the IP packet. Since my IP add is private, the master server may be discarding it b/c of that.


Any help would be appreciated.


BTW, my UT server works fine online, behind the same NAT.

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Yes, from what I understand the heartbeats tell the master servers that your server is active.


When you fire up MP to see if your server is showing on the list do you use the same machine your server is running on? If so you need to run the server on a different port then the one your client is on. That may mess things up. Maybe Matrix CPA or Aeyrs will chime in with some words of wisdom.

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