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Where are the EPISODE2 PC GAMES!?!?

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As a long time supporter of Lucasarts (Rebel Assault 1&2, Xwing, Tie Fighter, Xwing 95, Xwing Alliance, Rogue Squadron, Jedi Knight, Battle for Naboo, Starfighter, Pod Racer and The Phantom Menace) I would really like to know where are the new games for PC.


I see a pretty good parade of Episode 2 title for all the consoles but all we get is an expansion for Galactic Battlegrounds (and I'm not a strategy kind'a guy).


I'm sure Knights of the Old Republic will be swell but I would like to play The Clone Wars and Jedi Starfighter and Rogue Leader (obviously not Episode 2 but a darn good console title).


Our top flight game Jedi Knight 2 is being ported to everything including the Mac so where are the console games that should be coming our way?

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LucasArts have basically stopped supporting PC. I remember great titles such as tie fighter, outlaws and Mysteries of the sith for the PC but now there making consoles games only. We no longer have "pc only" lucasarts titles only second grade "ports".


Starfighter is a great example.

-Released for the PS2 first.

-ported to Xbox WITH new stuff

-PC version doesn't get Multiplayer, nor xbox's new stuff or even Forcefeed back support!!!!!


Jedi Outcast is going to the gamecube but where not getting rogue squ2, whats up with that?

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With such great games consoles like the PlayStation2, GameCube and XBox on the market, the PC is viewed as the Dark Side when it comes to releasing games.


Even things like multiplayer over the Internet are being replaced by the PlayStation2's modem.


Either get a games console, or not get any more Star Wars games ever. Either that, or you can carry out your :lsduel: in real life, but that's never going to happen.


Long live :holosid: and :lightning !

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Well, I don't think Lucasarts has abandoned the PC. If you look on their site, they have a number of games being released for Windows, though not necessarily Episode 2 specific. With the evolution of the console as a platform that has come to rival the PC in terms of visuals and audio, Lucasarts, like all game publishers/designers are "attacking all fronts", so to speak, to try and expand their customer base, and consequently their revenue.


As Holo-Sidious mentioned, with online gameplay via console becoming a reality, publishers have to look at all venues for their products. The playing field has been leveled, so Lucasarts is just following suit, so as not to be left behind.


Besides, you still have Knights of The Old Republic, Star Wars Galaxies(OH YEAH!), and even though it is not SW, Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb. So, all is not lost.:D

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Anyway, the F menace and Racer where two bad quality games that came out in a rush just to make money (lets face the reality of things). Lucasarts just didn't want to make the same mistake, that's why they are only comming out with one EP2 game.


And Lucasarts did NOT abandon PC. They just wanted to have a game on each platform. Lucasarts still makes much more games for PC.

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