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Saber locks...


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Originally posted by Lime-Light

absolutely nothing you can do to cause one.


Nope, you can do it like 10 times in a row if you like. A couple of my clan mates and I would have lock competitions in the Nar Shaddaa streets map lol. See who tires first then falls over a ledge.


All one guy has to do is switch to like med or heavy, do a forwards swing, walk into the guy while the other guy just walks into you. It doesn't work EVERY time, but it works like 80% of the time. It's fun.




That works for sure in 1.02, which is what I use. I have no clue if this works in 1.03.

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Cause I HATE the new saber system. The crappy animations, the butchered med stance, the totally lame lowered damage that makes no sense at all, but on the other hand the 'poke' (backstab) move annihilates people :confused: uhh ok whatever. And I won't even start on the guns and the force.


1.03 reaks of bantha p00. I'd much rather play 1.02 since I have no complaints at all, after what 1.03 turned out to be like anyway hah.


And nothing personal, but the fanmod doesn't cut it for me either. 1.02 was fiiiiiiiiine, except for the DFA. Then one day *poof* all that goodness that once was, dissapeared.


I have REALLY strong opinions about JO. When it came out and I started playing it, it was like


OMG, this is THE Star Wars game


then 1.03 comes out, and it's


OMG, Im sorry this ever happened... bleh *goes back to 1.02*

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