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How do I make a reflective surface?


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I am working on a recreation of the Clone Facilities from AOTC, and I realised even before I began working on it that i didnt know how to make reflective white floors. I think I will be able to make the textures in photoshop, but i am clueless about making the floor reflective. I'm wondering if I could also make a window slightly reflective.


I am also wondering how i could tackle the clone chambers that will be outside one of the tunnels I am making. I thought that maybe I could ask someone to make a single pic of the clone cylinders and I could apply it to a brush just outside the tunnel, or if I should create it all in gtkradient. Any help would be greatly appreciated:D

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I have no idea how they do it in JK2 but a long time ago I made a quake 2 map and just made unbreakable see-through-glass and made an exact copy of the map, just upside down, under it.


but in JK2 I'm sure theres an easier way, and plus it shows model reflections too, it didnt do that in quake2 =P

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When i try it, it comes up as a white cross, no reflection. Blaster fire is also reflected off it. I probably did it wrong. I pick khar_shian from the texture menu right? Then I apply one of those two textures to the floor. That's what I did but it didn't work.

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Ok, I uploaded it- It really is only a custom version of the normal mirror-texture.


You can get it here:



Just add limbonik.shader to your shaderlist.txt and there you'll go


I got it, but in game, it looks nothing like your screenshot. It's shiny, but I get no reflections with it (structural or entity). Do you have to do anything special with it? Lighting. or such?

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