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1-hit-kill mod info!


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Since my poll wasn't being answered, I just did both. Here is what the .zip file includes.


A: a pk3 file (v1.0) that makes it so that all enemies die in one shot.

B: a pk3 file (v1.1) that makes it so that EVERYONE dies in one shot.

C: a pk3 file (v1.2) that makes it so that all peopel w/o sabers die in one hit and people w/ sabers have higher health for better duels.


So, how do u ppl like it?


Feedback is wanted!


This mod has been submitted to http://www.jk2files.com and will hopefully be posted soon. I will send the mod to massassi and jediknightii too. I will keep ypu people updated!


HaPpY gAmInG!



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