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Obi Wan's episode 2 saber.

Norin Radd

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Originally posted by Primrodo

Um I'd just like to say I think the top emitter spots are too small.


http://www.lightsaberworld.com has THE best Obi-Wan specs.


Its 11.25" in length...and well look at teh one refernce picture about the top.


Excellent model though.


now if you can get tme models to hold it right...:)




Well first of all...and take this not as negative, there are only 3 spaces where the emitter shows through, not 4. The top is wrong, I understand you looked at the toy, but the toy is highly inaccurate, as its for children. The only other scruple is teh bottom, you are missing something, take a look at teh reference pictures.


Its a very good attempt, just not accurate.

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I just got the toy, I made this off of pics, and I know about it only having three things, but, someones already UVWMapping it and if I modify it he will have to start all over and I dont want to do that to him... And could you be more specific about me missing something on the bottom...

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Shawn,this is probally one of the best saber models ive seen,besides lukes ROTJ saber,which look sorta unique for some reason.

Anyways,i was gonna make my yoda saber....but i decided to stop because KingNacho made a better one,anyways....Great model,and i'd suggest getting someone GREAT at skinning for it...try Arco or someone...they are good with skinning.


May The Force Be with You Dude.

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I just modeled and map and saber myself in an hour.

here is a screen shoot...




i have it all mapped. And textured. The only problem is when i inserted into the game the saber is grey.


Oh i did a mistake on the map, which i am currently in the process of fixing. The problem is i mapped only on of those grey powercells at the bottom.


I took this project, becasue i am getting NO help on the gun...SO i can not get it into the game. Well i keep trying

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Dude, i made a skin file. I have the skin looking good in the md3 viewer. I pack the .jpg file along with the md3 and glm. Then it is just a ugly grey.....I am currently adjusting the uvmap...So i am gonna have to recolor verything....But i do a quick color to give you an idea...

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yeah i think in that pic it still doesn't have textures on the inside part of the saber. great model you made.


master shawn don't give up. still try and get it done so we'll have two good ones to choose from. did you ever talk to illogic, the guy who skinned the first one?

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This doesn't motter musashi, the problem happens when you cut verticles. The mesh still will show up the right way so u can basicly just ignore this error.


BTW, did u go on thursday to that free photoshop class on 54th? I was about to go but then this bitch called me because she was bored so I went over to her hause and smked up and therefore I forgot about the it. was it any good though?

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ok peeps....the last one i got done had issues and thats what lead to its oddball size, and it looks funny ingame. we fixed the "coming out the wrong side" problem, but it would be nice to get one done and done right that i can apply this skin too.


1: has to be under 1000 vertices, or it wont compile.

2: the mesh has to be on one file, max size of 512x512

3: compiler needs to know whats up.


Lord_yig compiled the last one, and its not his fault by any means, when i got it modeled i had no idea about jk2 modding. so, compile you saber or get it compiled before its skinned, get it the way you want it to look in game, make sure everythings right, and hell yea, ill apply this skin to it.




like i siad, please compile it, and it get it the way you want it to look in game before you holla at me....cause it was a pain to edit **** after its been skinned. i need a 3ds and mesh file of the model at 52 X 512 size...at least.


let me know.

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