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Obi Wan's episode 2 saber.

Norin Radd

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I dont have 3dsMax(I wish...) heres a pic of the current one, it looks all squary cause I have turned off the smooth feature for editting, any suggestions on how to get rid of 400+polys would be helpful. does anyone know how to get rid of polys on the cylinders I have editted meshes on, if I could get rid of some of those without screwing up the models structure I would be in the clear and then some.

almost.jpg And yes, this one only has three pylon things on the emitter, I got around to fixing it :D

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does the model work in game, or is there just too many verts?


I would say most of your problem lies in the sphere at the bottom, did you make a sphere, and just attach it?



what i did was extrude/bevel the bottom of the saber. Then used a scale to round out the edges.


that should take care a good chuck of polys.

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