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I'm back ... and with some questions ...

Guest Soul-Dazzle

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Guest Soul-Dazzle

Hey, I don't know if anyone remembers me but I was playin JK and MotS about 2 years ago. back then I was using the aliases : Exodus, Snake-Eyes and I think Mousse.


Anyway, Im back in the game, not really for net play but when Ive finished my student exchange in Japan I wanna play MotS against my friend modem-to-modem.


so, can it be done? does MotS work okay like that?


what else, oh yeah, the Big Fluffy Pack skin pack, I remember using that back in the day. where can I find it? can somebody please fill me in on that.


is there a mots version, I remember just as I was leaving the JK/MotS scene they brought out a BFP2. is there a bfp for MotS?


level editing and skin editing (as well as model editing) : is there ANYONE out there that makes custom skins/models/levels or anything like that?


yeah thats all for now, Ive got more to say but Ill say it in separate posts.







S o u l - D a z z l e AKA Dj Dynasty AKA Dynastical Fantastical AKA Sphinx Leone AKA Tha Hundred-Thousandth Archer Out Ta Mark Ya AKA Tanuki AKA Ninja-Syringer


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Guest oninosensi

Editing: goto massassi.net-


BFP2 skin pack is at jkmag- there is a link on the fisrt page. get manowars3 while your at it- very cool.

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Guest Soul-Dazzle

thanks bro, but what is the address for JKMAG






S o u l - D a z z l e AKA Dj Dynasty AKA Dynastical Fantastical AKA Sphinx Leone AKA Tha Hundred-Thousandth Archer Out Ta Mark Ya AKA Tanuki AKA Ninja-Syringer

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Guest oninosensi

it is in the sidebar at the jediknight.net home page.


also- checkout GaS (guns and such) at Massassi.net- you'd like that mod- make sure to get patchcommander 1st.



"You gave me an ABNORMAL BRAIN?!"

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Guest Soul-Dazzle

thanks heaps man


BTW does anyone remember me (Snake-Eyes, Exodus, Mousse) from the "old days" ???




S o u l - D a z z l e AKA Dj Dynasty AKA Dynastical Fantastical AKA Sphinx Leone AKA Tha Hundred-Thousandth Archer Out Ta Mark Ya AKA Tanuki AKA Ninja-Syringer

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