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Solved Stuttering Low Fps Problem!


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I've read everyones post's about low f.p.s's and slow level loading times and after trying all the tips found on the board this is how I solved my low f.p.s problem:




Windows 2000 service pack 2

Amd Athlon 1.33ghz

20gb Seagate

nvidia Riva TNT2 64 32mb


First check you are doing this:


-running directx8.1


-disabled your virus scanner


I first tried game with my Voodoo3 3000 which was very slowwww.

Swopped it for my nvidia riva tnt2 but this fix might work with the voodoo if i can be bothered swopping them again.


So....in the game under console I read that JO was using a voodoo 3 gl driver when I was running with my nvidia riva tnt so I installed the latest DetonatorXP ( for win2k ) driver but it was still slooowww as heck. So i searched for the gl driver "opengl32.dll" and found it in c:\windows\system\opengl32.dll then I just moved it out of there into somewhere safe in case it didnt work and hey presto! all problems solved! the game is now super smooth with loading times of levels around 20 seconds, and quick loads of 10secs.:D


This worked for me anyway I cant guarantee it workin anywhere else but try it and see, just check what Gl drivers ure video card is using make sure they are upto date and are not clashing with other vid drivers.


Im gonna try the fix with my voodoo so i'll update 2morrow.

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hell yeah bro your solution worked for me! i had the same prob on my radeon 7000 card, i used to have a voodoo 3 also. I took out opengl32.dll like you said but then jk2 wouldnt load because it said couldnt load opengl subsys. so i put opengl32.dll back into system folder and BAM playing at super high resolution and pushing pro frame rates, bearable loading speed now too used to be like 10 min!!!!!!!!!1:p

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