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Inaccurate aiming reticle


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It seems that all of my weapons are in need of servicing! All weapons are hitting low and to the right. I tested this by facing a wall and firing repeatedly. The scorch marks on the wall are all outide the circle of the reticle. If you drew a square just big enugh for the circle to fit into, then all of the fire would be concentrated on the bottom right corner of that sqare.

No wonder my hit/miss ratio sux!:mad: I'm doing well if i'm in the 40th percentile. I find that I seem to miss more when I'm very close. I'm firing point blank with the rifle and wondering why won't this stormtrooper drop!?!?:confused:

I have turned of the dynamic crosshirs. (That was an irritating feature, wasn't it?:rolleyes:

If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know.

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