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**Map Release**


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I've finally released my Hoth Jedi Academy FFA, Duel, or TFFA MP map. Check it out here:




Try it out and let me know what you think! What the Screenshots don't show are the two semi secret areas consisting of an Ice cave complete with breakable icicles, and another room that you can see through a force field, but you have to get to another way. Also in the Training room, I have a bunch of jump pads which are a lot of fun and all of the the doors in the map can be force pushed to be opened at a distance! There is also another secret tunnel that connects the jedi training room to the secret ice cave. I think that's about it.




One more thing, the map isn't as dark as some of the screenshots look.

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really? hmm...what speed machine are you using? I've used hint brushes and caulking as much as possible throughout that entire map. The FPS do take a hit with bots, but was still playable on slower machines (ie a p3 550 with a gforce4mx 64mb, and a p3 800 with also with a gforce 32mb. No matter what I did, I couldn't change that. But it ran fine (fps at minimum in the upper 30's going up to 70's and 80's using an AMD 1.5ghz machine w/ Gforce 2 64mb. If you want, I could send you the .map for it and you could look at it and see if you can figure out what is causing the fps hits?



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Aha! I figured it out.


Load it up in SP and do the command r_showtris 1 and look around. You'll notice that the JK2 engine is drawing your entire level almost all of the time. The way to fix that is with something called areaportals - this basically forces the engine to create a portal in a doorway, where it otherwise normally wouldn't. If you don't know what a portal is, check out the Compiling tutorial on my tutorial site.


To remedy this problem, create a brush inside your doorway and cover it with the system/areaportal shader. This will fix your problem.


You see, the architecture in and of itself is not very complex, which is why I was confused I got such a performance hit with bots. The reason is that when there are bots, your comp has to draw all of them, all the time because of the lack of areaportals. Add in those, and you should notice high framerates throughout the map.

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Yes I did notice the fps drop when I looked in a certain direction, but when I tried to find the source of the problem, I could never quite pin it down. You are da man though for figuring that out! :)


I'll try that, but first, which doorway are you talking about and how will I know when I look around? Or, are you talking about all the doorways that I should apply that shader??


btw Rich, I sent you a PM.





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Ok Rich, first off, Great tutorial! Finally a good JK2rad tutorial!! I read the section on compiling, and I understand what you're saying, but I'm still not sure if you were referring to one doorway/portal or all of them in the map? When I go into the game with r_showtris 1, I see exactly what you are saying, I can see the whole level is being drawn. Now I thought hint brushes would stop that problem? So let me know if I need to put those /areaportal shader in all of the doorway/portals or just the one you referring to, but I'm not exactly sure which one that was.

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You need to make portals in every doorframe. :) What's happening now is that because your door is technically an entity, the engine isn't making that a portal.


A little more clear description of portals is this - anywhere in the game that you can see, the engine will draw all the portals in your view PLUS one portal beyond that.


With no portals in your doorframes, it's drawing the portal you can see (the area in front of the door) and the portal you can't see (the entire next room). By putting areaportals in the doorframes, you can prevent that from happening. The engine will instead draw the portal you can see (the area in front of the door) and the new portal you can't see (which is inside the door).


Just create a 1 grid unit thick brush the height and width of your door and texture it with system/areaportal - then stick it in your doorframe (technically inside your door)


This will fix this problem. :)


I will be going over this in my Doors tutorial (under Brushes 201) but I haven't written that class just yet. I will get to it tho. :D

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Ooookay... your map does indeed have lots and lots of serious problems - namely leaks. I think you may have made detail brushes (you did use detail brushes right?) on some brushes that touch the void and caused a small slew of leaks...


And when you have leaks, the compiler doesn't do the VIS process (which would mean the engine draws every part of your map from any given point).


But you did place the areaportals correctly, so good job on that. :p


I will take a look at fixing the leaks myself later today, but it's 5AM, so for now, I'm just going to crash. :)


Oh and by the way, you really need to learn to caulk more efficiently. :p

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Ok, I appreciate you taking the time to look at it and figure out what's wrong. It just got so big it got difficult to figure out where the leaks were. I only learned about caulking a few weeks ago, so I went back in and tried to caulk everything I could while following the rules. but anyway, thanks again! :):D

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Hey Rich, I went back and looked for leaks, and started out by following the red line to where it looked like the leak was coming from, but when I got there, I didn't find anything that looked like a leak(went right through the floor). I tried this several times and one time I think I found one (in the training area where the pit meets the floor, but after compiling again, it didn't seem to make any difference when I ran showtris...it still drew the whole map. Did you have any better luck?

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Ehh... :) You have a huge leak in your entire ice cave area. Curves do NOT block VIS. In the View menu, uncheck Show->Curves and then press CTRL-D to hide detail brushes.


With the camera outside your map, you should not be able to see any area that the player can go with those settings like that.


See the problem now?

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Hey Rich, I just tried to load the map you sent me and I got this error:


Warning: Line 1693 is incomplete [01]

Warning: Line 1693 is incomplete [01]

Warning: Line 1693 is incomplete [01]

Warning: Line 1693 is incomplete [01]

Warning: Line 1693 is incomplete [01]

ParseEntity: EOF without closing braceNo worldspawn in map.




Not sure what that's all about...


any suggestions?

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Originally posted by Wes Marrakesh

ok...rich does that mean that i need to put an areaportal brush in every single door i make? and what about stairs and elevators?

btw great tuts but you need to write them all :rolleyes:


Yes you do. :) You won't need it in stairs or elevators, but you will definitely need hint brushes in long elevator shafts. I'm in the process of writing them - they take a while to get all those pictures and such together (2-3 days per class) so that's how fast you'll get them. Brushes 201 should be up within the next day.


Hey Rich, I just tried to load the map you sent me and I got this error:[/Quote]


Bah, I give up then. :) Use your original and patch up all the holes. That's all I can tell ya. :p

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Yeah, that's what I did, I ended up putting a box around the entire map and then I went in and fixed all the big obvious, and not so obvious holes which compiled with 0 leaks this time and when I ran it, helped fps significantly. But I can still see the whole map being drawn in game. Of course I need to now go back in a put in all the area/portals again. I think once that's done it should be fine. Thanks for your help!

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