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Saber throw move(reverse)


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Are you guys looking for a flashy move to complement the rest of your arsenal? Well, i've got one for ya. i'm sure you've though of this, but i'll give it a go anyway. its the reverse saber move. ever get annoyed at troopers when your sandwiched inbetween? well, all you have to do is (essential to the effect) push back and attack (must be person behind), saber him or miss, matters not. half way through, press saber throw. it will spin all the way around kyle and seek the guy 'infront' the effect is like a fake throw. he'll spin to hit, and half way through the saber blasts off in reverse. sweet also if you wait till he comes all the way around, looks like he winds up for it, like a strong swing.

p.s. make sure not to get killed, as it leaves you open.

p.p.s. also good for annoying reborn, good surprise.

just thought y'all would like to know. . . . . .

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