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Sinister_evil wat you don't realize is that in half-life the echo was made that way :eek: so to make one for yourself you would need to do it to ALSO half-life and q3 are different game wirth different needs and ENGINES so if you want to make jkii maps you need to accept that every engine doesn't do everything and if one of the vetren mappers says it can't be done then most likey it can't and if you don't believe him or her then ask someone else nicely with out insulting the first person




o by the way great tuts rich i've learn a lot of things i missed when i started its great to accaully have tuts made form jkii and not q3....also will jedioutcastmaps host a personal site if it about jkii ie a better place to upload scrennies and map info?

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Hmm... I suppose in that case, the better question would be, what exactly are you trying echo?


If you want to echo everything in certain areas of the map (weapon fire, walking, etc etc), it simply can't be done because you can't switch out weapon sound sets in the middle of a map. If you wanted to add a specific sound effect (say for crawling through a vent or something), then you could do that.


They simply didn't include that feature in the Q3 engine. The engine was originally designed for... well for Q3A, which is almost entirely large open areas for longer distance fighting.


It simply wasn't needed and thus wasn't implemented.

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well sry for my rank of the day:eek: i guessed you knew that they were two different engines and i wasn't ranking cuz you a newbie i would never do that i like newbies and compared to some ppl im one too sooo... any thx rich i'll email sergio

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