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Possible Problem With Scenario Editor


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Hi everyone.


Maybe -- hopefully -- someone can help me out with this.


When I make a scenario -- say, standard game, 2 vs 3, level: hardest, with a "hero" added for each civ -- and I choose to ally myself with another player at "Diplomacy", the actual alliance isn't there in the game. In other words: when I choose player 2 as my ally, in the game itself player 2 is my enemy.


I've tried playing via standard game and use the scenario and the "lock teams" option, but to no avail. It seems I just can't have an ally in my own scenarios.


Does anyone know how to solve this problem? Many thanks.


All the best,



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Well this belongs in the Editor's Stronghold, but I can't do that so o well.


Let's see have you made sure that THEY have YOU marked as Ally? That could be your problem...



O and Welcome to LucasForums specifically Galactic Battle Forums!


*hands Debo a Dash Rendar Gift Basket*

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