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Skinning Help PLZ!!!!


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I doodled on a torso of the jedi skin. Is there a way to replace the normal torso of that skin with the one I painted on? I put it into the assests0 file but it put it in there but didn't replace the other one. The original one has a path for the jedi model and the one I made doesn't have a path. Anyone help eh?

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sniffle...I read that. I did everything it said and copied it...but I didn't know where the copy went. Then it said rename all this crap and it lost me from there...I dunno.

Instead I just opened the assets0.pk3....took the torso of the jedi model and made my own out of it. Then I put that torso back into the assest0.pk3 but it didnt replace the old jedi torso and it didn't work =/. Is there anyway to replace the normal torso with the one I MADE?

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How do I make the torso's path to models/players/jedi?

In the assest0.pk3 it doesn't have a path and the original torso has the path above. Can I make the torso I made have that path so it can replace the original?

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