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Wont compile the bsp so I cant play my map


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I have a map of the emperors chamber that I am working on and when i try to compile it with full vis is goes through fine with no error, but the map will not show up in the base/map folder, and I cant load it. I had this problem earlier when using a large sphere. Note: this map has A LOT of polygons, but still, it ought to at least make the bsp and pk3 for me. Whats up with it? THanks for any help.

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i know the simplest question is did you give it the correct paths for compiling?


if not then your bsp and map are already made in another folder you dont know about... also you said it went through fine.. well in all that crap that comes out after its done copiling it will say writing blahblah.bsp ... thats the name of your bsp so you could simply do a search of all your drives for that name... i just used blahblah... dont search for it... : )


lemme know if any of these suggestions worked for you


Lord Wrath

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