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DBZ Models


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hmmm... never heard about bid for power, but i checked it out. loooks startlingly like dbz. close enuf to not get sued i guess.


but sereouisly, why is dbz so cool? can you say why? all they do is talk, yell like they are costapated, and then throw the same three punches at the guy 80,000,000,000 times!


(you guys can keep your super heros, i'll stick to the epic ones.)


but as far a anime goes, the best 2D to 3D conversion would have to be Oni. check it out. http://www.oni.godgames.com


now, wouldn't some of those models be cool?

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and i just looked at the other site (the one for the models) and WOW! why is that guy wasting his time and talents on dbz? he should just do original models and ideas, cuz quite frankly, hes a beast.




(just one artist admiring a much, much better one)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why don't we all just fight about something? And if i'm not mistaken, MOST of you people here are in your 20-30's. Alot of people posting for DBZ stuff are still teenagers...SHOW SOME ****ING RESPECT! We didn't do anything to deserve being cussed at and yelled at. We just wanted some DBZ models and decided to talk about it with other people that WANT them. NOT people that didn't want them and were just trying to find some people to yell at. If you don't want a DBZ model, fine, but we do and there's nothing you can do about it so why bitch and moan?

Just don't take your anger out on us. We have just as much a right to have the characters we want as you do so STFU.

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You want to know the reason WHY DBZ is cool? because it's never the same show twice. They leave you hanging after each episode. I used to hate DBZ, then i started watching it one day out of bordum and when the episode ended i'm like "Damnit, they just HAD to cut if off. Now i'll have to see what happens next." They keep you hanging after each episode and eventually it sucks you in. It's pure genius. Other shows like SM, EVANGELION, and even our american hero's like Batman, and Superman are all the same.

1. A NEW bad guy shows up

2. The city's/world's in danger

3. The good guys come

4. They beat up the bad guy and the episode repeats itself with a new bad guy EVERYDAY


I'm only 16 and even I can regognize such a pattern. It's boring. At least DBZ surprises you every once in awhile with some character you thought was weak suddenly getting super power. And Funimation has some great lines and characters that really bring you into the show itself. THATs why DBZ is so awsome.

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look why don't u all stop insulting his idea


i mean ya...personally i think DBZ sux and i don't like it...but just because YOU don't like it doesn't mean OTHERS won't...stop being ******* and give him some respect...


if u guys did this to more ideas u wouldn't like there wouldn't be as many models as there is...unless he asks for cheats theres no reason to insult him..so stfu and show some respect

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Morphious..do u have to be an ******* about it?


what if u had a really cool idea and u posted about it and then all of a sudden people start flaming u left and right saying it would be a really stupid idea


i don't know about u but that wouldn't make me feel the greatest


so stfu and don't be an ass...if u don't like the idea then don't frickin post

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I Agree With Anime316 Dragonball Z Is An Amazing Show,

Alot Better Than Some Crap Out There.


But Thats Not What This Forums Here For,

This Forum Is Here For Showing Your Models, For Model Ideas,

And For Model Requests.


You Guy's Have Turned This Thread Into A Yelling Match About If

DBZ Rules Or If It Drools.


The Person Who Started This Thread Had A Simple Request,

Some DBZ Models And You Guy's No Right To Start A Heated

Disscusion About DBZ's Stupid Or DBZ's Cool!


Please Dont Respond To This Thread Unless It Is Relevent

To The Matter At Hand, Someone Who Wants Some DBZ Models.

Personally I Would Love To Make Some DBZ Models If I

Could Only Figure Out Milkshape Or Gmax.


Thank You.

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I agree that the flame war did not seem to be necessary.

If anyone is interested in DBZ, perhaps someone will begin working on the models and post some shots?

It would be interesting to see if anyone changes their tune if the models were skillfully created.

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Originally posted by anime316

You want to know the reason WHY DBZ is cool? because it's never the same show twice. They leave you hanging after each episode. I used to hate DBZ, then i started watching it one day out of bordum and when the episode ended i'm like "Damnit, they just HAD to cut if off. Now i'll have to see what happens next." They keep you hanging after each episode and eventually it sucks you in. It's pure genius. Other shows like SM, EVANGELION, and even our american hero's like Batman, and Superman are all the same.

1. A NEW bad guy shows up

2. The city's/world's in danger

3. The good guys come

4. They beat up the bad guy and the episode repeats itself with a new bad guy EVERYDAY


I'm only 16 and even I can regognize such a pattern. It's boring. At least DBZ surprises you every once in awhile with some character you thought was weak suddenly getting super power. And Funimation has some great lines and characters that really bring you into the show itself. THATs why DBZ is so awsome.



yeh, they never fight the same guy twice. I mean, the managed to fight Cell for 20 episodes, and Buu for even more. DBZ is one of the most boring series around. For every 5 minutes of fighting, there is 5 minutes of Goku standing there talking in a constipated voice. "I, will, not, surrender, to, you, Cell." etcetc

In Evangelion, sure they fought a different Enemy every couple of episodes, but they didn't fight him in the same way, each enemy was tackled differently.


Hell, I'm 17, and I can see the patern, but the patern is worse in DBZ

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