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Dodging Disruptor fire in SP?

GE Predator

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It's happened to me twice in the Nar Shaddaa Starpad level. Sometimes a rodian would fire a round, then the screen slows down like I turned speed on, there's like a woosh sound and Kyle sorta, shifts to one side and the blast looks like it goes right through him, but I take no damage.


And it seems to happen at random. 99% of the time when they shoot at me I take the hit.


I thought ya could only dodge sniper fire in MP with level 3 seeing. Does anyone know how to do this all the time?

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those supposed disintegration shots (fully wound up disruptor shot) cuts 50% off your force meter and slows the world down.

its kinda pointless since its basically like turning on force speed anyways

you move faster and speed cuts off 50% force bar anyways

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yeah i know...i tried it on desann.

strange how they can dodge instantaneous sniper fire while they can't dodge or deflect some things like certain blaster fire (which in star wars requires time to reach the victim) or the EMP weapon.

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They don't bother dodging emp fire cause I don't think it damages them. If you try alt-fire emp they'll push it right back at you. Another fun thing to try is to use mind control 4 to on a rocket trooper to send alot missles at roborns...


Dodge this!


Oh DAmn You can!



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