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It's too bad not more people play here.

Guest GammaX

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Guest GammaX

GameSpy Arcade now supports Jedi Knight and Mysteries of the Sith. Unfortunatly, there's never anybody to play with in the game rooms. My name is [ASoG]GammaX on there, if you download it send me a private message and we can start a game.


It would be awesome if more people came there, it really is a huge improvement over GameSpy 3D (the original one that doesn't support JK). I hope to see some more people there. It's really cool.


BTW, I promise you I don't work for GameSpy. I just really want more people to play with on it! frown.gif

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Guest The_Gamesta

Hey why dont you play on the Zone? http://www.zone.com is the URL, there are about 500 ppl there every day and thats a lot of ppl, You can play MotS and JK and there is a message system and its a small DL for the programs. If your looking to chat with ppl on a message board go to http://www.massassi.net and go to the forum link.



yoda2.gifTake home you I will

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Guest GammaX

I do go on the zone sometimes. But the reason I like using GameSpy Arcade is because it supports all of the other games I play also (Unreal Tournament, Half-Life, Quake 3, and a long list of others). It's cool to not have to switch between applications. Besides, I dunno what it is with me a web-based stuff, but GameSpy Aracde seems a lot more secure to me. Anyway, if anybody is on there, give me a shout, my name is [ASoG]GammaX.


[This message has been edited by GammaX (edited July 29, 2000).]

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