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Expansion Pack Ideas!!


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Hey all i've seen a growing number of posts about a JKII sequel/ exp pack. Its fairly obvious witht the way jkii is selling that there should be a patch in the future. What are some of the things that u want to see in it? What sort of characters do u want to see?


Personally i would like a very in depth single player where you are a new character learning the ways of the force. I want there to also be a very strong team aspect, something like MOD:AA or HALF-LIFE: DOD. So maybe you can start out as a rebel trooper, OR a stormtrooper, and you eventually find yourself a jedi/sith master to train you. In multiplayer if you arent in a duel/ FFA game i want there to be a strong team based play style, even if your a jedi or a forcebling trooper it would be neat for everything to work out together.



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I think it would be cool at the beginning of the game to choose whether you wanted to be a Jedi or a Sith. Then after you pick you are trained in that way and then sent into battle. There could be a different storyline for each side.

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Maybe in the expan pack, Force Lightning would rather move towards its target, rather than it just spit out like it does now. When i say "move" i mean sort of crawling motion foward(moving fast of course), sort of like a flowing motion so it takes a second to actually catch up and hit its target. Ya know, make it more like the movies.


Then again someone someone could just make a mod for it...


*hint hint*

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