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how to change your SP model


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Actually Peloquin...um I'm not trying to do Jang or Boba... It's an orginal Character named Goran_Skarr... so I'm not going to be able to find an auto download of a SP model... hmmm... I'll try again and see my results




And another thing...um... my computer won't open the sites posted on these forums for some odd reason... so I need somthing other then a link... unless you e-mail me

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ahhh ok i see, well if you're still having trouble with it. post a link to the model you want to use and I'll download it, pack it up for you and send it to you.


I just thought I'd mention that all the people I've helped with changing their model to SP have had trouble cause they've done something extra to the instructions I posted.


Some have tried to rename all the leg, hand, torso, head files to kyle_legs, kyle_torso and so on when there's no need to. Others have tried to repack the zip from the kyle folder instead of the models folder. Some have questioned the nature of a pk3 file which has caused problems. If you follow the instructions step by step without deviating from them it will work just fine.


I don't mind helping you out though cause I've had alot of fun changing my single player game arround and I know alot of people prefer the SP style saber fights to Multi-player fights and there's no reason why you should have to fight with the same models all the time.

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ahhh now i get ya Goran_Skarr is a different skin within the mandalorian pack. Well that is a little different. You have to rename the Goran_skarr.skin to the model_default.skin


if your new to this it might be a little tricky for you so post your e-mail and I'll pack it up for you. if you want you can private message me your e-mail so only I will see it.


==UPDATE== no actually I was wrong Goran_skarr has his own folder so just rename that one to kyle.

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Ok my e-mail is Wolf Kitsune@aol.com


Note: do not put the space between Wolf & Kitsune if you don't have an aol account. For some reason every other person i know who doesn't have aol can't put the space in... so they don't... and i get mail. Alrighy then I will wait for the next post...


Request... does anybody have the yello dude? I could use him, well in SP it will be a her, as my partner;) I would appriciate much... then after I'm done being thankful I might figure out how this process works.

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Thanks Peloquin for my partner in crime... I thiink I know what I was doing wrong. I comparred the two files of Goran_Skarr finding everything in likeness... that was until I looked at the top bar and found my was zip. and your's was pk3. Ok so now my only question is how do you change the file from zip. to pk3. Thanks everyone for you're help... now if only it was as easy to find people on everquest as nice as you.

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yeah i thought some people might have been having that prob. A few posts up i asnwered it but here it is again :) to change a .zip file to a .pk3 file all you have to do is rename it :) no programs needed simply renmane the .zip to .pk3 and you're good to go.


glad to be of service.

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i got mine to work finally, my problem was i was zipping modles up and not including that folder in the zip :mad: anyway, where r u getting the Goran_Skarr? if its yours do u think u could send it to me, thanks. one last question, if i wanted to change jan alls i would have to do is change the name to jan instead of changing it to kyle? right, i hope so

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i got everything to work, got kyle as boba and jan as some other bounty hunter, i'm changing luke to jango and changing all the other republic charcters to bounty hunters, anyways what do i need to rename to change the rebel trooper and the bespin security? any ideas?

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luke as in me? depends on which set you want- episode 1 is almost done if someone can find me a decent obi-wan skin and then epidosde 2...well, i cant get the stormies to be replaced by the clones :( all stormtroopers are the same model, im not sure how to change the color (like if they have a shoulder patch they could be red)

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my "mods" are now more of skin replacement packs, the OT one is finally done....now, i need a few favors. one- how to edit the ffa_deathstar map into a single player map with stormies...just for fun. two, i need to find out how to make a model come with a hilt and specified saber color...as in an npc model. ie i want to make the jedi have obi-wans hilt with a blue saber, how would i go about doing that

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not sure about the SP map conversion, with the saber hilt I think if you make obi-wan carry it then all npc's will have his saber hilt but I haven't really tried making each npc have it's own hilt.


To change the saber colour is easy enough just open the npc.cfg file and under each npc that uses a saber it has the sabercolor they use, just change it to whatever colour you want.


I've changed quite a few things in my npc_cfg now like all the reborn are full normal size (they were a bit short) and I've boosted their health, aggresion, evasion things like that. And playing arround with force sounds :) just for a laugh every time I pull someone I hear Dark Helmet from spaceballs yell "get back here you fat bearded b!tch!" and for grip I have a cool sound of someone saying "you dissapoint me...not very wise" to which I've timed all the imperial's health to last till just after the "not very wise" bit then they die and fall :) hehe and my mind trick sound says "there can be only one" speed now has "now witness the power of an acient glory" oh yeah and heal lol I've got Dark Helmet saying "I see your shwartz is as big as mine" cracks me up everytime.

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