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New Rbots Released

Guest Boba Rhett

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Guest Boba Rhett

Don't just stand there!! Go get it now!!




I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.

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Guest oninosensi

What no link?


You have failed the counsil, and will now pay for your mistake!


/me slaps Boba Rhett with wet ewok




The Master is Back

with a vengence

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Guest Kurgan

Excellent.. I would have posted the news on the main page, but I had to reformat (again). I'll hopefully take care of it first thing in the morning (unless somebody else gets to it first). ; )


Can't wait to try it out! (and at least they aren't abandoning the JK version, just warning us it will take a long time to rewrite)



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Guest Garindan

the mots version is better, too bad you can't use force throw though. i'm glad they got grip though!!! i whooped 20 jedi on bgj, and only got 6 kills, i used grip, and then went up and sliced!

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