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interesting thought


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Being what seems like one of the few low-bandwidth modem users in the JKII community, I thought I would post some thoughts and see what you guys think. Before JKII, the last time I had played a multiplayer pc game was about 8 months ago. And after playing JKII for a bit, I was kinda shocked at what kind of "disadvantage" I was at.


My connection is pretty decent. I don't lag spike very often, probably once out of every 5 games or so for about 5 seconds. I get around 230 ping. However most people I play are around 100 or lower. I guess I've learned to adapt because it seems to me that you have to stand "extra" distance away from your opponent because they are actually (yourping-theirping)milliseconds closer or farther, depending on where they are moving. Or is this inaccurate? Often times they might execute a heavy DFA on my and I will sidestep what looks like to be about 2 feet away from the point of contact, but then I will die lol. The same with the medium DFA, I'll be out of their range, but then I'll get hit less than a second later.


Also, sometimes when I am attacking the other person, my lightsaber will randomly move to react to an attack that the other person did a quarter of a second later. Which makes things very interesting to say the least. Now a quarter of a second might not sound like much, but the blue stance can probably hit you at least once in that time.


Anyway, from my 56k modem usage, I've realized some things. You can't let any one use the headless strafing chicken move on you because since they are running around you so fast, even if are facing them and trying to block their swings, they are actually probably behind you by now. Also, it's probably really hard to hit someone who moves around a lot unless you use lunge a lot, because that move is just damn fast. Well, I think that's about it.


Just a note, I'm not whining about having 56k modem lol. 56kers unite and beat down on broadband hehe. Just remember, if you're good on 56k, think how sweet it would be to have broadband :eek:

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