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A Desperate Plea For Help!

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First I am a regular gamer for the gaming community and my ultimate goal is to expand the experiance by creating custom multiplayer levels. But in order to accomplish these goals I need a someone to get me off on the right foot. What i need is the EXACT tools used for JKII. Meaning the editing tool and everything I need to open up JKII programs. I also need the BEST I mean BEST tutorial for creating these JKII multiplayer levels. im talking easy instructions for like a 3 year old. Yeah its bad. Its very difficult to start out using a tutorial created for QUAKE3! Thats why i need one specifically made for JKII. Thanks to all the generous people out there who will hopefully help me. Please write back in the reply for the servers or e-mail me at




Dak un Leer

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The easiest tool I would recomend would be GTKRadient v1.2.9

As for the tutorial's RichDiesal's tut are the most basic I have ever seen.

You can find the tutorial's here


And GTK here

There's a list of places to d/l them from(just warning you).

Oh, and a word of caution:

Mapping is very addictive. Have fun!





:no bantha smily either jk2.net: *bantha call*

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