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Quick Question = Need Response


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I think he means is go into your model_default.skin file and then under where the skin name is edit it. Like this.









Only where it says "jeditrainer" you put in _knight(if your skinname is _knight) or whatever the name of the skin is.

Hope that clears it up a bit.



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Why don't you start by reading the damn skinning tutorial by raven? It's everywhere, find it and read it. If you don't understand then post questions. By what you posted, I might as well come there and fix it myself, it would be simpler.

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LOL ...I did....I get everything down up to step 3....I don't understand that rename the file you edit and put it back into something else and that should replace something blah blah blah ....I dunno....


I extracted the jedi model from assest0.pk3. When i rename the model thing and edit the .tga things do do i leave everyting in the reg file I extracted...if so then what do i do with it?....put it in the base part?

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You are lost. hehehe


extract from assets0


than modify skin


than make sure that your *.skin file points to the images you have edited with the right path and names (doesn't matter if it's tga or jpg)


than you need to compact everything back into a separate pk3 file with the name of yout skin.


use winzip and make sure you have the right folder hierarchy.

wich is models/players/nameofyourskin


highlight models, right click and add to zip, give it the name of your model.


change extension of zip file to pk3






I'm sure my help is not flawless, but it should help you to figure out things

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Nicely put Nano, you basicly just solved my problem too.


But my peoblem is that when i edit my .skin file and put in the edited file name, its JPG..even though everyone on there says targa. And also when i do put it in and save the .skin doc then try to run modview. it wont show that peice of skin on the model unless its under targa.




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K...I wanna get some help before I screw something up since I'm an idiot when it comes to computers. Ok, so far I extracted all of the jedi crap from the assest0 file. Then I found the model_default.skin and changed it to model_default_jediX.skin. Next I modified the torso and hand and saved them with _jediX.skin at the ends.

Do I put the torso and the hand into the model_default_jediX.skin file? How do I put their path to point them to my file?

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Okay heres what you do, some some good detail.


1:Extract the skin files out of assets0.


2: go to the file and get your model_default.skin and rename it to "model_default_JediX.skin"


3: then edit the jpeg files and save them back under THE SAME NAME(overwrite it)


4: go into your "model_default_jediX.skin" use notepad or wordpad but i suggest notepad. Then edit where it says the model name. like if you wanted to edit the lando skin you would go into the .skin file and see something like this.












-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------So then what you do is on every line where it says 'jedi' you replace it with "JediX", BUT dont EVER touch the ones that says "stormtrooper"


5: save the .skin file after done editing leave the folder you are in, and then rename the folder to "JediX"


I hope I made some sence :D:wstupid:



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Thx soooooo much for all that help....clears up a crap load of poop.:p

Aight.....just 2 more questions...then I think the retard(me) has it!

Do I neeeed to make a new icon for my skin?

Once the file is named jediX....do I need to change it into a pk3 file...if so how? Then do I put it into the base folder.

Thats all I need.

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I dunno how to use that PakScape thing sadly :confused: .

Instead I extracted the jediX file to a zip file and then renamed that to a pk3 file. It put the icon of my dood in the game but when I tried to use him he just looked like the normal skin.

Can ya tell me if there is a way to fix that...or tell me how to use PakScape to change it into a pk3 that worx :( .

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It sounds like your .skin files are still pointing to the original images of the model you are editing and not to your new modified ones.


Since you've made icons I assume you want your new skins for Multiplayer not as replacements for a Single Player character.


In any case you may want to send your .pk3 to me and I'll tell you what you need to change - this should only take a couple of minutes. plasmacoolant@hotmail.com




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Thx dood. Once you figure out the prob...can you tell me how to fix it in this forum. That skin is just to see how to work everything. I'd like to do a much better skin and take a loooot more time on it

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