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Another question about kicking...


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I been trying to master this move to several days now, practically spamming wih it, but I only execute kick correctly one every 3 or 4 tries. Can anyone give me tips?


My real question is, can you kick someone consistently while being directly in front of them? or do you need a couple spaces in front of you before jumping first and then kicking?


My experience is that you can't kick someone consistently if you jump directly in front of them. Let me know your thoughs.


Also, how many people here use a kick script? I do a real good back stab but can't seem to get as good as some of these kickers and I'm beggining to wonder if its me or the use of scripts...


Thanks in advance.

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Lag plays a big factor in kicking. Sometimes you'll lag and you can't kick. To kick correctly, you must be facing the person and running or walking towards them. Jump and tap jump again when you are in contact with the chosen player. The kick must be performed while your jumping off the ground, not in mid flight. IF the game lags, you may not come into "contact" with the player and you'll jump over them. It just takes practice and patients. Don't whore the kick, please. Only use it every so often. you don't want to start a war against "kick whores".

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so, can you kick someone if you make the initial jump while standing directly in front of them?


dont get me wrong, im not out to spam, im just trying to perfect it.


Thanks in advance

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If the person if in front of you, you can kick them You can also kick them if they are by your side. To do this, have an enemy on your left or right and press the sidestep key to sidestep towards them. When you come into contact with the player, press jump once. You'll kick them and do a Matrix type of flip. This comes in handy when fighting a few people in sabers. Just so you know, a kick and only be done when you have a lightsaber out. The best way to practice a kick is to kick a wall.

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Nim, you mention that you only hit jump once when strafing left to kick your opponent while touching them. Did you mean twice? because if you hit it once, I belive you will only jump.


Thanks in advance

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