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Entity 0, Brush 55: duplicate plane!!!!


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uh o help

wat wrong with my map! i get this error but i didn't notice it for a while cuz gtk doesn't show progress but this happens in the BSP process

Entity 0, Brush 55: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 55: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 56: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 56: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 56: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 57: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 57: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 57: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 58: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 58: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 58: duplicate plane

that starts from brush 1 WATA WRONG ITS MESSING UP MY MAP

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wait i managed to stop the bsp at the very beginin of the error this is wat it says


Entity 0, Brush 9: mirrored plane

FloatPlane: bad normal

FloatPlane: bad normal

Entity 0, Brush 23: degenerate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: degenerate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 23: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 30: duplicate plane

Entity 0, Brush 36: mirrored plane

Entity 0, Brush 38: mirrored plane

Entity 0, Brush 39: mirrored plane

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For whichever brushes are on top of each other... basically, you have two brushes with the same faces (coordinatewise). The engine doesn't know which to actually use, so it gets confused and doesn't compile.


This error can be avoided if you build your map lego-wise. Remember, nothing should ever overlap anything else.

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

There are apparently two brushes in your MAP that exactly the same dimensions (i.e. copied on top of themselves)


IIRC, duplicate plane 'happens' on one brush when the vertices/edges are snapped in a way that two planes (sides) become one.

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xcom you mean like when to brushes are merged in gtk...so wat your saying is that it not a bad thing but when i compile and load the map its dark and has this od hom effect thing( not like looking to the void) but maybe that only caused by the float bad normal?

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Originally posted by VIO

xcom you mean like when to brushes are merged in gtk...so wat your saying is that it not a bad thing but when i compile and load the map its dark and has this od hom effect thing( not like looking to the void) but maybe that only caused by the float bad normal?


Huh? merged brushes? No, I don't think this is what's causing it. Duplicate plane by itself is not so bad, no. It usually happens when you are dragging edges. And one or two dpl. planes can be easily ignored. But you also have "Degenerate plane", "Mirror plane", "Bad normal". Best option for you is to locate those brushes (use Misc->Find) and delete/rebuild them.

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thats wat i did i went back to an older vesion and deleted most of the brushes untill i didn't get any errors then i wen to a new error ful version and seleted pieces ofthe ship and copied then and pasted them in my older version then i compiled to check for errors, etc so now i just have some duplicate brushes but thats it thx for you help everyone

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