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Freeze at menu.

Ethereal RaVeN

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alright, i'm just copy and pasting from another Tech Support site i went to: this is my problem:



OK. I don't know if any of you play Counter-Strike but I'm hoping you do. This is a problem that bothers me a lot, because it has never happened before. I open Half-Life, or Counter-Strike, or any other modification, they're all the same program. I go to Multiplayer, then I choose a server to play on, and I get the Loading screen to load the console. This is normal. But the Loading stays there forever. Literally. I could let my computer sit there for eons, because it stops responding (I check the Task Manager, I have to to exit the game). Once I got a BSoD involving VxD. Later I was in Internet Explorer, and I got an Illegal Operation error: something with MMSYSTEM.DLL. That's not good. lol.

Another thing also happens. When I try to open Jedi Knight II, the menu pops up and asks to choose between Single Player and Multiplayer. No matter which one I choose, it freezes right there and I have to End Task. This really bothers me because I have had these games for a long time (Half-Life for 2 years and JK2 for a few months) and this has never happened. I pretty much think that it has something to do with graphics, but I'm not a total expert in this field. Can someone help me? I would really really appreciate it.



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