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Skining problems.


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I am trying to edit the Jedi Trainer skin but I keep running into problems. So heres what I do. I extract the models/players/jeditrainer and /models/players/_huminoid. I extract the humanoid one becouse when I try to run ModView it says it needs the model.glm from Humanoid. So, I go and take the trainer_face.jpg and edit it to my likes and then save it back and overwrite the existing name. Now heres something weird. when i look into the Folder for Jedi Trainer. I dont see any Targa files! Is this bad? Okay back to the problem. So I finish the trainer_face, save it then go and try and run ModView. it loads up the skin then halfway through loading it gives me. "JPEG read error: requested feature was not omitted at file time" then it shows me the model but with no face( the trainder_face.jpg I edited). But heres the thing, if I go back and take the jpeg and turn it into a targa and save it. it will show up on modview! I'm really going nuts trying to figure out how to make this work, I'm pertty sure its becouse there are no targa files inside the jedi trainer folder :confused: .


If anyone can help then please do, i'm going nucking futs.



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some of the files are tga, as with the ugnaught. It doesn't usually make any difference as in the .skin files, it says they are all tgas. anyway, don't be too agressive with jpeg or tga compression, it sometimes brings that error.



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