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Skeleton Question

Sniper Wolf

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Hey everyone

I have my model all fitted to the skeleton but I was wondering why the skeleton's leg bones are pointing out and if I have to fit my model's legs to it. If I did, that would require a great revamp of the legs because my character has an overcoat :eek:

Also, are the eyes and mouth part of the model a necessity or can I delete them? And do I need to delete the caps and make my own or could I keep them? Thanks a lot.

- Wolf :jawa

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as far as i know it is alright to move the skeletons legs down for proportion/envelope reasons , but you dont have to and then could just paint the verts for weighting, on my modle i left the skels legs sticking out like that and had my models legs pointing down (perpindicular). i dont know what overs have done but that is how i did it. but that coudl be wrong as i have about 1-2in gaps between the knees when my model runs ... now i dont think that they are related but even so i woudl like others ways of doing it.



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