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RPD - Resident Evil 2


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Just working on a map for jk2 multiplayer - RPD from Resident Evil 2.







Got a looooong way to go. There's also various problems such as not having an easy way to change music and swinging doors that I'm trying to get around. Anyway, feel free to comment. I should let everyone know ahead of time that the lighting is temporary. I just put a few lights in so I could see what I was doing while testing. Once I'm finished, I'll go back and make the lighting similar to the game.

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Very nice! Ahh, memories ;). Now if you could just add textures and allow us to go outside in the courtyard, you'd have the perfect RE2 level!


Oh and the lights seem too bright. Should be pretty dark. Maybe add some flickering lights toward the windows and some soft lights around the other light surfaces. And you'd have it!


Keep up the good work!

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