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Could you give me a tip?


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I have extensive knowlege of how to program in Java, and im getting better at learned C++. However i am a n00b when it comes to the Q3 engine. I was hoping someone would give me a tip, maybe steer me in the right direction with a problem that i have. I dont wanna be a whiner, and i do want to learn. Any help you guys could offer would be apperciated.


Now the problem: I have been wanting to get rid of a lesser-used weapon (like the stun baton or demp2), and replace it with another saber. My idea is to have 2 different sabers, one which would have a "jedi" sound to ti, and another that would have a "sith" sound to it. Later i was thinking of handing out these sabers depending on your allignment to the force. The concept is actually quite simple, i was wondering if anyone could help me out on just getting the other saber in the game. Like i said, i want to learn and i dont like hand-me-outs, but i am stumped right now.





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Probably easier than taking out a weapon and adding a new saber... if it works... would just be to do some checks at spawn time, get rid of the thing to chose your saber color, and set a color based on what the force is. I think you could change the sounds at that time also (not too sure. if not, more sfx handles being created, and assigning stuff might work. [i haven't looked at sound yet so i don't know how its done]). But if you just wanted something like a certain color lightsaber based on the force alignment, the easiest way would be to check at spawn time, and then assign.

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My plans can be found here.




It's on my clan forum; my condolences to those who wish to use their avatars and cool sig's on my forum... it doesnt support it yet =P


Anyways, if you could direct me to a tutorial that show me the code i need to edit, i'd be cool. Like i said, im still learning the Q3 engine, and i've been looking though the code and i've been making headway, but a little kick-start would help me out a lot =D


Thanks again =)

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