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Changing Tavion Stance to Red Stance

Mr PoopyPants

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Hi I just recently downloaded Jedi moves from jediknightii.net and I wanted to know how to change the Tavion stance to the red stance. Not the moves, just the stance, I prefer the look of the Red stance (with the saber held straight up) but I like the saber fighting of the blue stance. Any help would be appreciated. thanks. I will not release the mod once I do it, this is only for personal use. again, thanks.:koon:

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Sorry there, Mr. Poopy Pants (hehe), I don't always come over to the General Editing board all that often, I'm usually over at the Yoda's Swamp board.


To do this, open the file animation.cfg in notepad, and look for the following lines:








In place of the 11254, instead put 11325. This will make you do the raised saber stance while on the fast stances. However, I can't guarantee that it will look right when you swing. You will still swing, but it may not look right because the saber is being held diferently than it normally would be.

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Take the entire line from the saber_slow_stance and put in in the saber_fast_stance.

Everything but "saber_fast_stance" should have been changed on that line.

Then put the file in a pk3 in your base directory.


I guess you did this first:


extracted animation.cfg to your c: (nothing else, just c: with "use folder names" checked.


then (after the edit) add them to another .pk3 in your \base (NOT any of the assets.pk3!!!!!!!).

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Thanks I really appreciate the help, but I don't understand what you said. I will explain the procedure I do to try and switch the stances, and you can tell me whats wrong.

I start by opening Jedimoves20.pk3 in zip, then I right click the Animation.cfg and choose to read it with NotePad. Now I make the appropriate switches of Fast Stance and Strong. Then I choose to save what a editted and start the game. It doesn't work though! Blah!

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"I start by opening Jedimoves20.pk3 in zip, then I right click the Animation.cfg and choose to read it with NotePad. Now I make the appropriate switches of Fast Stance and Strong. Then I choose to save what a editted and start the game. It doesn't work though! Blah!"


I'm not trying to be condencending, but you do know that when you saved, it doesn't automatically repack itself. Maybe you just forgot to add that to your post, but just in case. If you actually don't know how to repack the file just ask.

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