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my pk3 file doens't show up to load

Luvac Zantor

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I followed the rules on RichDiesals website


it LOOKS just like all the other maps packed into a pk3 file


has the bsp, the screenshot and the arena file (done correctly - cut and past, and renamed)


the map is called test1


files are





all in directories





the file is called test1.pk3


?!?!?!? I can LOAD the map from my machine, but if I upload it to my OC12 dedicated server and try to rcon map test1




on my client, it doesn't show up in the list if I try to make a server or call a vote.


the arena file looks like this


map "test1"

longname "This is the BETA test map"

type "ffa dual team"




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So do you think mispelling Duel in the script would cause it to not load at all?


When you say

I can LOAD the map from my machine, but if I upload it to my OC12 dedicated server and try to rcon map test1
You can get the Pk3 file to load? Does it (Test1.pk3) show up at all if you launch a local server to test it? Does it show up in the list I mean?
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That could cause the entire script to go void, but I'm not really sure... probably not, but it's worth fixing.


And I'm not sure... in addition to that, are you positive you used MP entities? info_player_deathmatch and all? If you use the wrong entity set, it won't show up.


But yes, answer his question. :) If you can see it in the local server list, it has nothing to do with your pk3 itself.

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I got it to work using pakscape


I was using winrar to zip it up then renaming it to pk3


for whatever reason, if I use winrar, it doesn't recognize the pk3 or the directory structure


when I used pakscape, without altering anything, it shows up now.


Thanks though


(oh, I guess that means I didnt' completely follow what he said, since on his site he DOES say to get pakscape )


hehe thanks for the helpthough!!

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