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a noob mappers question(s)

Darth Jello

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yer im a noob mapper as well but i think i can sort of help. To make a pk3 file just make a winzip file with all the right paths by making a folder with all the right paths and then adding everything int he folder to zip. Then rename the ending to .pk3. It works on my computer so it should on yours.


Changing the type it done through the .arena file. If you have downloaded any maps off the net, open the .pk3 file in winzip then view their .arena file and you should get the idea.


Hehe im even more noob than you, the only thing ive done in mapping is change duel_training into an ffa map.


hope that helps

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Easy, open a simple text editor like notepad, then add these lines:











Add spaces after the words, and put the info.

Here's an example:


map "duel_cheesy"

longname "My cheesy map"

fraglimit 10

type "duel ffa ctf"



Exactly like that, quotes and all. "Fraglimit" doesn't have quotes.

See what I'm saying?





:wookiee: Raaarwwaag!

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