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anyone working on LIGHTSTAFF mod(el) for SP?


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I was just wondering (as i'm sure many are) if anyone is working on a double-bladed lightstaff mod and/or model for use in single--player .... you know, maybe even with new saber animations (yeah right! :-))


anyway, if anyone is making one, let us know and everyone on the forums will back you up with whatever you need .... if no one is working on one, someone get on it so we can all have one to play with!!



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There is a difficulty in creating the double-bladed saber, as it is not implemented into the SP code. As only the MP code has been released, its currently impossible to make mods which involve coding for SP (and almost all mods do). However, the WLS team are currently implementing the code necessary to play co-op JKII SP, which uses the MP as a base. That means that eventually it may be possible, but not for a long time, and as long as its ok with the WLS team.

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