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KIR is Recruiting!


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KIR (Knights of the Immortal Realm) is recruiting dedicated, competitive players to play on our CTF Team. Currently we're on TWL (Teamwarfare) at rank 21, and the JK2 CAL League (Currently in Preseason).


We have a server, hosted by HomeLAN, at forsaken.immortalrealm.org (


KIR is a multi-Gaming Clan, that has squads in many of the top games out there. We are an organized clan, that plays in matches, yet stresses having fun above all else.


If intrested drop by our website http://www.immortalrealm.org

register for the website, and fill out a tryout request form. We'll get back to you ASAP!

You can also catch us on Gamesnet #KIR

or #KIR on irc.homelanfed.com

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