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3rd Person Tweeks

Darth ThreeX

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The variable you want to modify is cg_thirdpersonrange. The default value is 80. You can see all the relevant variables by just typing cg_thirdperson in console, and play around with them as you like.


The kicker is, however, that it only works with cheats enabled. This is to prevent anyone from getting an unfair advantage in the game, though the real solution to the problem would be to make camera manipulation readily available to all players, possibly limited to an extent by server side settings.


You should also expect a ton of useless posts after this one bitching about how much of an evil assfighter and scripter you are and you have have no 1337 5k1lL5, but I can't do anything about that.

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Originally posted by Blamer

You should also expect a ton of useless posts after this one bitching about how much of an evil assfighter and scripter you are and you have have no 1337 5k1lL5, but I can't do anything about that.



Quotes like these dont help the matter much either.

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