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Raven's Claw MP Version


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If you import the model in Multiplayer the main body and engine are all black. I've seen this myself and so has a lot of other people. If you import it in Single Player however it works perfectly. My explanation is in the readme.



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im using in a MP map....looks very good... map should be done by sunday... by the way..1 more map till all 5 are done and my personal map pak is finished..... for all those L33t playing on my server your waiting is almost over..

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The link to it over @ jedioutcastmaps.com is:




And Divided, I really don't see how. Considering this:


The model file references a ravenbody.tga and ravenengine.tga. Neither of these files exist but a ravenbody.jpg and a ravenengine.jpg do exist.


Reason it works in Single Player: the SP Engine does something called auto-forwarding on references. Since the file refs tga files, if the SP engine doesn't find them, it automatically goes to and looks for files with the same name but looks for jpg files. Since it finds them it works. MP Engine doesn't do this.


Also I was informed just this morning about an issue with the shaders on the original too. Apparently:







map models/map_objects/kejim/ravenbody

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ZERO

rgbGen lightingDiffuse



map models/map_objects/kejim/ravenbodyglow

blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE

rgbGen wave sin 1 0.5 0 25




This line here: rgbGen lightingDiffuse


should be rgbGen vertex.


Anyways, now there's an mp version. So there ya go. :p



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Ok, to explain this in lamens terms....


**takes a deap breath**



The shader files (basic and raw C programing), may say .tga, but the game will still search for any file (.tga or .jpeg, and no Q3 cannot read .bmp or .gif) with that same name. Actually you can just have the name of the file and it will still find it.



Heres a simple sky shader code broken down.



qer_editorimage	textures/skies/[color=blue]sky.tga[/color]
q3map_surfacelight	10
sun 0.75 0.79 1 130 0 40
surfaceparm	sky
surfaceparm	noimpact
surfaceparm	nomarks
skyParms	textures/skies/[color=blue]endor_sky 512 -[/color]



Now the area in blue is the name of the image and where it's located. The first one tells it what image to load in radiant; the second is a simple texture that reads "sky", but is new to the Q3 engine, not sure if removed, if JO can read this effect and still give the same results or not is unknown, but this part of the code was not used in Q3; and the last one tells the game to load all images with the extension "endor_sky" (endor_sky_bk, endor_sky_dn, endor_sky_ft, and etc...), and this creates the box for the sky. Now also notice how the second image has the extension .tga, well it can be either a tga (popular image format in Q3) or a jpeg/jpg. It will still try to find that image with the name "sky" no matter the extension.


Now that the image portion has been broken down, onto the rest of the code.



qer_editorimage	textures/skies/sky.tga
q3map_surfacelight	10 [color=blue]Tells the editor and the engine to light the area with that texture.[/color]
sun 0.75 0.79 1 130 0 40 [color=blue]Tells the editor/engine where the sun is, how bright it is, and what color it should light the area.[/color]
surfaceparm	sky [color=blue]Tells the engine that this texture should give that brush the sky effect.[/color]
surfaceparm	noimpact [color=blue]Tells the engine/editor that all bullets/missiles go through it.[/color]
surfaceparm	nomarks [color=blue]Tells the engine/editor that when shot not to leave marks.[/color]
notc [color=blue]Not sure abou this one, first Q3 engine based game to use this code.[/color]
q3map_nolightmap [color=blue]Tells the engine to not apply other lights to it.[/color]
q3map_novertexshadows [color=blue]Tells the engine to not apply shadows to the texture.[/color]
skyParms	textures/skies/endor_sky 512 -



And thats a shader effect (or at least one of em) in a nutshell.



For more info go to these sites...








Hopefully I have cleared up any confusion (and didn't create any ;) ), on how shaders work.

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Originally posted by volrathxp

Reason it works in Single Player: the SP Engine does something called auto-forwarding on references. Since the file refs tga files, if the SP engine doesn't find them, it automatically goes to and looks for files with the same name but looks for jpg files. Since it finds them it works. MP Engine doesn't do this.



My instincts tell me that this is not the real reason. :D

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I'm really confused as to why you just explained that. (Not you XCOM, the other guy.)


And actually, I thought that sounded right... I had a texture specifically referenced as a .tga in a map I made... when I converted the .tga into a .jpg to save on file space, I forgot to retexture anything, and suddenly it didn't work in MP anymore... yet it still worked in SP.


Unless I was changing something else I wasn't aware of. :p


So maybe this has some merit.

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

And actually, I thought that sounded right... I had a texture specifically referenced as a .tga in a map I made... when I converted the .tga into a .jpg to save on file space, I forgot to retexture anything, and suddenly it didn't work in MP anymore... yet it still worked in SP.


Unless I was changing something else I wasn't aware of. :p


This "auto forwarding of extension" works in MP too. I just tested that. Replaced tga with jpg and vice versa, with and w/o shader. Works every time. Even if you specifically refer to a TGA in a shader, it works with JPG too. But that wasn't even my point :p.

Basically, if the engine cannot find the image for a shader, it displays the default grey-white grid but that wasn't the case with the model because it was just black so I figured this is not the real reason. :)

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