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For those stuck in NS_Hideout; partial walkthrough (SPOILERS!)


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There have been many questions about this, so i though i would set the record straight on what to do. Read at your own risk.







1) Alrighty, you start at the beginning of the level riding the trash can/car thing. It will stop and slide through a forcefield, dropping you into the crusher/ginder. to avoid that, either wall-walk over it or jump to the secret area above. that is pretty much self-explanatory.














2) Jump down and walk through the door. You should be in a room with alot of noise and four huge trash compactors with trash thingies under them compacting away. Kyle says, "Whew whats that smell?" or "Look at all that garbage!" what isn't immediatley apparent is that the second one has no trash thingy. Figure out that one for yourself. Avoid the crusher to reach the other side. (will get picture as soon as i can) find the door.













3) this area's purpose is also not immediatlely apparent. As many of the threads said, (when they didn't find the compactor, they found a weird hallway with a trash can that could be pushed or pulled, but something was blocking it.) Through the door (back behind the compactor as in 2) is the answer. Avoid the incredibly stupid gran hurling detonators at you, and jump around until you reach a door blocked by a box. Pull it, and proceed across the bridge. Note: if you are gutsy enough to try and jump onto the bridge (not recommended) be careful. The gran will blow you off. In any case, eliminate the gran, and proceed down the hallway. Find the opposite area of the trouble one and pull the trash cart.











4) go back to the hallway with the stubborn trash cart. (where you pull the crate and crouch through the opening) it will be pushable. reveal to find incinerator. kill the gran and force push the switch.

that is mostly where the trouble is.

Good Luck

May the Force Be with You.

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