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Got some ideas for ya all


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Ive got some modeling ideas and some mod ideas.now first id like for professonal modlers to look into this.this could be really good stuff.now first my model list.


plo koon (peolpe have been begging for this one)

Ki-Adi-Mundi (jedi council member)

Adi Gallia (jedi council member)

Qui-Gon Jinn

Nut Gunray (Trade Federation Vicroy)

Destroyer Droid


Tusken Raider


Senate gaurd (blue looking Roman guy From episode1)


Super Battle Droid (from episode2)


Zuckuss (bounty hunter On the executer in ESB)

IG-88 (bounty hunter on the executer in ESB)

Mara Jade Skywalker

Warmaster Tsavong Lah


Kit Fisto (jedi from Geonosis in attack of the clones)

Barriss offee (jedi from geonosis in attack of the clones)

shaak ti (jedi from geonosis in attack of the clones)

luminara unduli (jedi from geonosis in attack of the clones)

Nom Anor


If you dont know what these characters look like buy episode 1+2 of the visual dictonary and buy the new essential guid to chacters(many pictures and descriptions in there)


now on to the mod list.


Change Tavion in SP to Boba or Jango Fett

Change Kyle to the new darth maul model

Change jan to any new women models that are coming out

Change galak to someone i dont know

Change stormtroopers to the new clone trooper model that came out

Change reborn or Shadowtrooper into some one good

Change desann to Exar Kun or Darth Maul


well thats all for today. LoRdRiVe:guard:

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