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why isnt my floor solid?

Ah Boon

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I am not going to believe that there is a bug that bad in Radiant (what I am assuming your using) so I am going to suggest this: Make a floor.


Sounds obvious? lol, ok, I’ll try to be somewhat of a help. I AM assuming you have a floor, right? Ok, good. Now select the info_playerstart box and press “N.” Try selecting the “drop to floor” box. If that doesn’t work then the texture that you are using for your floor isn’t solid. And if that isn’t the case maybe you don’t HAVE a floor. And if THAT isn’t the case—maybe you have found a bug in JKRadiant which no one else has—and if THAT IS the case—get GTk—It’s much better. But seriously, if you tried these things and you still fall though the floor—send me the file and I will see what’s wrong.

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