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Thew Rydur

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well if they have special clothing or armor that would give a bonus, it wouldnt be to much of a stretch to have a holster with +1 Speed (for example)


Good idea though, if its not included, suggest it to the devs.

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hehe, holsters slung in a gunslingers (or what was it again) fashion...


it would be nice to have stuff that gives bonusses, but even nicer would be the utility belts for bounty hunters i think, and i've read the flavor text on the mandalorian armor card of the SWCCG and it says: "Contains wrist lasers, rocket dart launchers, a flame projector, a projectable grappling hook, a concussion grenade launcher, four kinds of sensors and a broad band antenna"... this was asked a while ago by someone whether or not mandalorian armor has any weapons etc. of it's own, now i don't know if any of this will be implemented but it would be nice if it was...

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