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Ok, clarification with Dismemberment.


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g_saberrealisticcombat 1 - Slicing limbs off left and right.

g_dismember 1-100 - I have no idea, clarification someone?

cg_dismember 1/2 - Again, no Clue.

g_dismemberprobabilities 0 - No idea.

g_dismemberment 1 - no idea.


Now, I've read up on a lot of threads on this and there isnt one that clearly states the purpose and proceedures on how to do the following or what the above commands do individually.


How, Exactly, do I make a multiplayer game with a saber realistic combat like atmosphere. As in, Limbs will go in every direction when slashed into. And what do the last 4 commands do in that list? I have no idea, i really am curious. Plus, is there any place that is a good refrance that I can look up on that would know these facts?



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